When Emotions Run High: Tools for Navigating Mental Health

Nisha Devgan
8 min readMay 21, 2024


a person feeling foggy during emotional turmoil
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Taking Control: Practical Strategies for Navigating Mental Health

During the influence of the last moon phase, an imbalance echoed inwardly. In contrast to the typical sounds of the city, like honks and shrieks, this disharmony reverberated in my soul, a constant beat challenging my sanity. My feelings, like a turbulent ocean, stirred up a dense mist of uncertainty. The harder I struggled for peace and quiet, the noisier it got, mirroring the ceaseless effort of Sisyphus.

However, a long-forgotten truth emerged, a faint reminder from deep within my mind: “The only way out is by going through.”

I believe that every one of us has had similar experiences in our own way. But how can we address these storms of life in a healthy and constructive manner to find inner peace and growth?

Understanding the Nature of Emotional Storms

The human journey is like a colorful tapestry, filled with moments of happiness as well as periods of inner conflict. We have all experienced difficult times in our minds, with thoughts swirling like debris, emotions crashing like thunder, and a feeling of being lost in a chaotic sea.

These storms, unlike their weather-related relatives, do not fade away just with the passage of time. We can’t just gather under an emotional shelter and expect the situation to improve. We need to be courageous sailors, facing inner turmoil, to discover the tranquil harbor of inner peace for a beautiful mind.

What Brews Up the Emotional Storms?

The internal tempests we face aren’t born from a single source. They’re a witch’s brew of emotional ingredients, each capable of churning the emotional triggers within.

a hammer striking which is a metaphor to emotional triggers
Photo by Theo Crazzolara on Unsplash

Stress: Imagine a looming work deadline. Each missed minute becomes a thunderclap echoing in our minds, the pressure building like a relentless downpour. Bills pile up, transforming into a storm cloud gathering on the horizon. Financial worries become a nagging wind, whipping anxieties into a frenzy. Even relationship issues, like arguments with loved ones, can feel like icy hail stinging our emotions.

Anxiety: Unlike a physical storm with clear skies beforehand, anxiety brews a constant sense of unease. It’s the feeling of a storm brewing on the horizon, even on a seemingly calm day. Unfounded fears can be like dark, swirling clouds, obscuring our vision and making every rustle of leaves sound like approaching danger. The constant worry about an upcoming presentation can feel like the ground trembling beneath our feet, making it difficult to focus or relax.

Trauma: Past experiences can leave deep scars, like fault lines waiting to be triggered. A car accident might make us jumpy at every loud noise, the memory a sudden downpour of fear. A broken relationship could leave us wary of getting close to others, building walls of emotional resistance around ourselves. These emotional trigger examples can unleash a torrent of negative emotions, throwing us back into the storm of the original experience.

Mindfulness: Recognizing the Signs of an Approaching Emotional Storm

a distressed and emotional woman with a sunflower pressed in her lips
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The tide of negativity is rising, but before you get swept away, recognize the warning signs — the whispers of the approaching storm:

A Thought Tornado: Your mind erupts into a whirlwind. Ideas flit in and out of view like leaves in a hurricane, making it impossible to focus or relax. You grasp at straws to hold onto something, anything, concrete.

The Body’s Alarm: You have a pounding headache, your stomach is tied in knots, and your chest feels tight, causing difficulty in breathing. You feel terrible.

Emotional Rollercoaster: You develop extreme sensitivity. Irritability spikes easily, just like a spark turning into a wildfire. Unexpectedly, tears gather, ready to overflow at any time. Anger, an unstable flow, rushes within you, causing you to feel unstable and uncertain.

Yearning for Solitude: The world outside feels overwhelming, a cacophony of noise and faces. You crave the quiet shelter of your own company, a chance to retreat from the storm brewing within. Here, in the solitude, you hope to find a sliver of solace and regain your composure.

These symptoms signal emotional tiredness and may suggest it’s time to focus on self-care and get grief and loss support from family, friends, or a therapist. Don’t forget, that it’s perfectly fine to pause and prioritize your own welfare when you are experiencing intense emotions.

Finding Calm in the Chaos: Weathering the Mental Storm

Experiencing a mental storm can be a frightening ordeal. Thoughts filled with anxiety swirl intensely, feelings rush like a sudden powerful wave, and any sense of clarity disappears. However, do not worry, because despite the tumult inside you, there are methods to steer through the chaos and return to peaceful circumstances.

Here are some anchors to help you weather the storm:

  • Acknowledge Your Emotions: Avoid attempting to suppress or overlook your emotions. These are legitimate signals that your body is communicating to you. Pause briefly to identify your feelings — anger, sadness, frustration — and give yourself permission to experience them. Keeping them contained only increases the tension. Nonetheless, there is an essential difference between experiencing emotions and being dominated by them. After recognizing them, decide not to focus on them. Allow the feelings to pass through you like a wave, then shift your focus to soothing methods.
  • Focus on Your Breath: Deep breathing exercises are your secret weapon in this battle. When feelings of anxiety arise, locate a peaceful area and shut your eyes. Take a deep breath through your nose slowly, letting your abdomen expand as you do so. Take a short break, then release air slowly through tightly closed lips. Keep going with this sequence for a couple of minutes. Focusing on your breath helps you stay present and calm your heart rate, resulting in a sense of tranquility amidst chaos.
  • Seek Solace in Routine: Routine can be your greatest ally when you’re feeling overloaded. Even if you feel unable to sleep, make an effort to maintain a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This regularity aids in your body and mind adapting, simplifying the process of dealing with the turmoil within you. The same principle applies to eating! Fuel your body with nutritious food that provides you with vitality. Consider it as supplying your body with the necessary resources for a challenging journey — you require the appropriate fuel to guide you through the emotional turbulence.
  • Take a Step Back and Breathe: At times, our thoughts and emotions may seem out of control, like a speeding train. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can be compared to applying the brakes. Mindfulness involves watching your thoughts and emotions without criticism. Did a pessimistic idea come to mind? Recognize it, then softly redirect your focus back to your breath or a calming activity, such as listening to relaxing music or watching the clouds pass. Allow the negative thought to move through without lingering on it. Meditation can train the mind to be less reactive and more focused on the present moment. There are many guided meditations online and in apps, so look for one that suits you!
  • Don’t Bottle It Up: During an emotional crisis, you may feel like withdrawing, but believe me, seeking support is the most beneficial choice. Speak with a reliable friend, family member, therapist, or counselor. Expressing your emotions can offer valuable assistance and a new outlook. Don’t forget that feeling sad and experiencing other challenging emotions is completely normal. You don’t have to face this storm by yourself! Forming connections with others can provide understanding and assistance, reassuring you that you are not facing this struggle alone. By utilizing these healthy coping mechanisms, you can navigate through the temporary emotional storms and return to a state of calmness.

The Transformative Power of Emotional Storms

The trials of life can provide valuable lessons: Emotional turmoil may resemble being trapped in a hurricane — tumultuous, frightening, and completely bewildering. However, surprisingly, these difficulties can also lead to significant personal development.

  • Learning About Yourself: During an emotional storm, it is typical to feel strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear. Through perseverance during these challenges, we develop a heightened awareness of our personal feelings. We begin to identify the stimuli that cause a reaction in us, understand our responses, and learn to control our emotions in a positive manner. It’s similar to acquiring a new language the language of our feelings!
  • Building Strength: Experiencing emotional storms may seem like challenges to our inner resilience, but ultimately, they contribute to our overall strength. Picture a tree flexing in a powerful gust — it may tilt drastically, but it remains unbroken. We can also learn to do that. As we face these obstacles, we grow accustomed to adjusting, recovering from failures, and uncovering an inner strength of resilience. Every obstacle we face helps increase our strength for future challenges.
  • Facing Ourselves: At times, we are compelled to face hidden aspects of ourselves by emotional turmoils. It may feel uneasy, but it is also an opportunity for amazing self-exploration. Storms have the ability to mirror our beliefs, values, and unresolved issues that we may have. Through self-reflection, we can learn valuable information about our habits, actions, and thinking patterns. This self-awareness gives us the power to make deliberate decisions and bring about beneficial transformations in our lives.
  • Growing Compassion: Experiencing our own emotional storms can lead us to become more empathetic and sympathetic towards others facing similar challenges. We understand that every individual encounters obstacles, and we are united by these common hardships. By fostering empathy and compassion, we can strengthen connections and establish inclusive communities where everyone is acknowledged and listened to.
  • Becoming Your Best Self: Understanding and acknowledging our feelings enables us to appreciate the different perspectives of those around us. Discovering oneself is a lifelong journey. Continuously learning, reflecting on ourselves, and growing personally is crucial for reaching our maximum potential.

All individuals go through emotional turbulence. Recognizing the symptoms, building positive ways to handle them, and getting support when necessary are crucial. By mastering how to develop healthy coping mechanisms, you can discover tranquility and possibly even progress during difficult times.

Wrapping Up

Life can become quite overpowering at times, don’t you think? It feels like being stuck in a heavy rainstorm, your emotional well-being getting battered. But wait, can you believe it? Storms eventually end, and difficult times can offer opportunities for self-discovery and enhancing mental health.

The initial stage involves identifying triggers, determining what causes that dark cloud to emerge. Once you are aware of what triggers your mental health, you can create a set of healthy coping mechanisms for yourself. Perhaps it could be practicing meditation, indulging in a soothing bath, or simply confiding in a trusted individual. Discovering what is effective for you is crucial. Don’t hesitate to try different methods and discover your inner peace because there is no universal solution for everyone. Keep in mind that even the most stunning gardens require occasional rainfall in order to continue thriving!



Nisha Devgan

Writing is my therapy, and in it I find solace. Each sunrise paints a new story on the canvas of my mind. Through writing, I explore, I connect and revive!